cnc machining vs injection molding

CNC Machining vs Injection Molding: A Comprehensive Comparison

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CNC machining vs injection molding are two different manufacturing processes. Selecting the appropriate manufacturing process is important as it impacts the cost, quality, and production time of the final products. Each process has its unique advantages and disadvantages, making it suitable for different applications and production volumes. In this post, we will provide a comparison between CNC machining vs injection molding. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each method, you can make informed decisions about which process is best suited for your specific project needs.

What is CNC Machining?

CNC machining is a subtractive manufacturing process that utilizes computer software to control the movement of machine tools like mills, lathes, and drills. The process starts with a digital 3D model created using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software. This model is then converted into a set of instructions (G-code) that the CNC machine can understand and execute.

The CNC machine follows these instructions to precisely move the cutting tools along multiple axes, removing material from the workpiece until the desired shape is achieved. The cutting tools can perform various operations like milling, turning, drilling, and grinding, depending on the type of CNC machine and the required part geometry.

How Does CNC Machining Work?

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how the CNC machining process works:

1.  CAD Modeling:

The process starts with creating a 3D model of the part using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software like AutoCAD or SolidWorks. This digital design includes all the specifications, dimensions, and features of the final product.
During the design phase, engineers consider factors such as material selection, structural integrity, and manufacturing constraints to ensure the part can be machined effectively.

2. CAM Programming:

The CAD model is then imported into Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software, which converts the 3D model into a set of instructions (G-code and M-code) that the CNC machine can understand. The CAM software determines the tool paths, cutting speeds, feed rates, and other machining parameters.

3. CNC Machine Setup:

The workpiece material (metal, plastic, wood, etc.) is securely clamped onto the CNC machine’s bed or chuck, ensuring it is aligned correctly for accurate machining. The appropriate cutting tools (mills, drills, lathes) are loaded into the machine’s tool magazine or turret.

4. Machining Operation:

The CNC machine follows the instructions from the CAM program to move the cutting tools along multiple axes, removing material from the workpiece until the desired shape is achieved. The machine automatically changes tools, adjusts speeds, and applies coolant as programmed. This can involve a variety of operations, such as:

  • CNC Milling: Rotating cutting tools move across the workpiece to remove material.
  • CNC Turning: The workpiece rotates while a stationary cutting tool removes material, commonly used for cylindrical parts.
  • CNC Drilling: Rotating drill bits create holes in the workpiece.
  • Grinding: Abrasive wheels remove material to achieve a smooth finish.
  • Layer-by-Layer Cutting: The cutting tools remove material layer by layer, gradually shaping the workpiece into the final design. This process can involve roughing cuts to remove large amounts of material and finishing cuts for precision and smoothness.

5. Finishing and Inspection:

After machining, the part may undergo additional finishing operations depending on the requirements, like deburring, polishing, anodizing, painting, or heat treatment to enhance its appearance and durability.

CNC Machining Advantages

Compared to injection molding, the key advantages of CNC machining are:

1. Easy Design Modifications: CNC machining allows for easy design changes and modifications without the need for new molds or tooling. The CAD/CAM files can be quickly updated, and the CNC machine will follow the new instructions. With injection molding, any design change requires creating a new mold, which is costly and time-consuming.

2. Lower Upfront Costs: CNC machining does not require expensive molds or tooling, resulting in lower upfront costs compared to injection molding. This makes CNC machining more cost-effective for low-volume production runs or prototyping.

3. More Material Versatility: CNC machining can work with a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, wood, and composites. Injection molding is generally limited to thermoplastic polymers that can be melted and injected into molds.

4. Better Precision and Tolerances: CNC machining can achieve tighter tolerances and higher precision compared to injection molding, making it suitable for applications that require high accuracy.

5. Faster Lead Times: For low-volume production or prototyping, CNC machining has faster lead times compared to injection molding, as it does not require mold fabrication.

CNC Machining Disadvantages

The main disadvantages of CNC machining compared to injection molding are:

1. Higher Cost for Large Production Volumes: CNC machining is more expensive for large production volumes due to the longer cycle time required to produce each part individually. Injection molding can rapidly produce multiple parts simultaneously using multi-cavity molds, reducing the cost per unit for high volumes.

2. Labor-Intensive Process: CNC machining requires frequent loading and unloading of workpieces, tools, and completed parts, making it more labor-intensive than injection molding, which can run continuously once set up.

3. Material Waste: CNC machining is a subtractive process that removes material from a solid workpiece, resulting in higher material waste compared to injection molding, which is an additive process.

4. Higher Energy Consumption: CNC machines generally consume more energy per unit of production, especially when compared to the efficiency of injection molding machines for large-scale production.

What is Injection Molding?

Injection Molding is a manufacturing process used to produce parts by injecting molten material into a mold cavity where it cools and solidifies into the desired shape. This method is widely used for producing high volumes of the same object.

What is the Injection Molding Process?

Injection molding is a highly efficient and versatile manufacturing process used to produce large quantities of identical plastic parts. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how the injection molding process works:

1. Clamping and Feeding: The injection mold, consisting of two metal halves (cavity and core), is securely closed and clamped together under high pressure. Simultaneously, plastic pellets or granules are fed from a hopper into the heated barrel of the injection molding machine.

2. Melting and Injection: The plastic pellets are melted by heater bands wrapped around the barrel as a reciprocating screw moves them forward. The molten plastic is then injected under high pressure through the nozzle and runner system into the closed mold cavity.

3. Packing and Cooling: Additional molten plastic is packed into the mold cavity to compensate for material shrinkage as it cools and solidifies. The mold is cooled, typically by circulating water through channels in the mold plates.

4. Mold Opening and Ejection: Once the plastic part has solidified, the two halves of the mold are opened by hydraulic or mechanical means. Ejector pins or plates then push the solidified part out of the mold cavity.

5. Part Removal and Trimming: The finished part is removed from the mold area, and any excess material like the runner system or gate is trimmed off.

Injection Molding Process
Injection Molding Process

Injection Molding Advantages

Compared to CNC machining, the key advantages of injection molding are:

1. Cost-Effective for High-Production Volumes: Once the initial investment in the mold is made, injection molding can produce parts at a much faster rate compared to CNC machining, especially for large production runs. Injection Molding becomes highly cost-effective for producing large volumes of identical parts. The cost per unit decreases significantly as production volumes increase, making it more economical than CNC machining for high-volume manufacturing.

2. Complex Geometries and Internal Features: Injection molding can create parts with intricate geometries, thin walls, internal channels, and fine surface textures that are challenging or impossible to achieve with CNC machining due to tool access limitations.

3. Less Material Waste: Injection molding is an additive process, where molten material is injected into the mold cavity, resulting in less material waste compared to the subtractive nature of CNC machining.

4. Overmolding and Insert Molding: Injection molding allows for advanced techniques like overmolding (molding over pre-existing parts) and insert molding (embedding inserts into the mold), which are difficult or impossible to achieve with CNC machining.

5. Low Labor Intensity: Once the injection molding process is set up, it requires minimal manual labor compared to CNC machining, where operators may need to oversee the machining process and perform tool changes.

Injection Molding Disadvantages

Compared to CNC machining, the key disadvantages of injection molding are:

1. High Initial Investment: Injection molding requires a significant upfront investment in designing and fabricating the mold tooling. Mold costs can range from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially for complex parts or multi-cavity molds. This high initial cost makes injection molding less economical for low-volume production runs.

2. Longer Lead Times for Mold Creation: The design and fabrication of injection molds can significantly extend the overall production timeline compared to CNC machining, where parts can be produced directly from CAD models.

3. Difficulty in Mold Design Modification: Once the mold is created, making design changes or modifications becomes costly and time-consuming, as it often requires manufacturing a new mold or modifying the existing one.

4. Potential for Surface Defects: Imperfections in the mold cavity or the injection process can result in surface defects, such as flow lines, weld lines, or sink marks, on the finished parts. CNC machining generally produces parts with better surface finishes.

What Are the Differences Between CNC Machining vs Injection Molding?

CNC Machining vs Injection Molding are two distinct manufacturing processes, each with its unique advantages and limitations. Here are the key differences between the two:

Aspect CNC Machining Injection Molding
Manufacturing Type Subtractive manufacturing Additive manufacturing
Parts Tolerances +/-0.13mm(0.005”) +/-0.1mm to +/-0.5mm (+/-0.004" to +/-0.020")
Material Compatibility Metals, plastic, wood, composites Primarily plastic, some elastomers, thermosets
Setup Cost Relatively low High
Cost Effective Higher cost per part, suitable for small batches Cost-effective for high volumes after mold investment
Production Speed Slower, each part machined individually Fast cycle time for high volumes
Part Design Complexity Complex external geometries, limited internal features Complex internal features, thin walls, intricate geometries
Design Modification Quick and straightforward Costly and time-consuming
Mold Cost No mold cost Requires expensive injection mold
Prototyping Suitable for rapid prototyping and iterative design Less conducive to rapid prototyping due to setup cost
Surface Finish Generally better surface finish Potential for surface defects(flow lines, weld lines)

CNC Machining vs Injection Molding, Which One is Better for Your Project?

Based on the comparison provided in the last sections, the choice between CNC machining and injection molding for your project depends on several key factors:

Production Volume:

If your project requires high-volume production (thousands to millions of parts), injection molding is generally better suited and more cost-effective. The higher the production volume, the more economical injection molding becomes.
For low to medium-volume production runs (one to thousands of parts), CNC machining is often the better choice, as it avoids the high upfront costs of mold tooling.

Part Complexity:

Injection molding excels at producing parts with complex internal features, thin walls, and intricate geometries that are difficult or impossible to achieve with CNC machining.
CNC machining is better for creating parts with complex external geometries and tight tolerances, but it has limitations in producing internal features due to tool access constraints.

Material Requirements:

CNC machining offers greater material versatility, as it can work with metals, plastics, composites, and wood.
Injection molding is primarily suitable for thermoplastic polymers and certain elastomers, with limited material choice.

Design Flexibility:

CNC machining provides high design flexibility, as changes can be easily made by updating the CAD/CAM files.
With injection molding, design changes often require manufacturing a new mold or modifying the existing one, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Lead Time:

CNC machining has a shorter lead time, as parts can be produced directly from CAD models without the need for mold fabrication.
Injection molding has a longer lead time due to the time required for mold design and fabrication, which can take weeks or months.

Surface Finish and Tolerances:

CNC machining generally produces parts with better surface finishes and tighter tolerances compared to injection molding.
Injection molding can achieve tight tolerances, but it is more prone to surface defects like flow lines and weld lines.


Both CNC machining and injection molding offer unique advantages and limitations, making them suitable for different manufacturing projects. When choosing between CNC machining and injection molding for your project, it’s essential to consider factors such as production volume, part complexity, material requirements, lead time, and budget constraints. Additionally, collaborating with experienced manufacturing partners will also help you make informed decisions to ensure the success of your project.


CNC machining is generally cheaper for low to medium-production volumes, while injection molding becomes more cost-effective for high-volume manufacturing once the upfront costs of mold tooling are covered.

CNC machining offers precision, flexibility, and suitability for smaller production runs, it is generally not considered the optimal choice for mass production or high-volume manufacturing due to limitations in production speed, cost-effectiveness, and the inherent requirement of machining each part individually.

While 3D printing technology continues to advance and may replace CNC machining for certain applications, it is unlikely to completely replace CNC machining in the near future due to the inherent strengths and limitations of each process.

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