injection mold structure

The Essential Guide to Injection Mold Structure

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The injection mold structure and design directly influence various aspects of the final product, including its dimensional accuracy, surface finish, mechanical properties, and overall quality. A well-designed mold ensures that the plastic material flows properly into all areas of the cavity, cools uniformly, and can be easily ejected without defects. Factors such as the mold material, cooling system design, gate location, and runner system all contribute to the mold’s performance and, consequently, the quality of the molded parts. In this post, we will explore the injection mold structure in detail.

Basic Components of an Injection Mold

The injection mold consists of two primary components: the fixed half (stationary side) and the moving half (ejector side), each with its own distinct structures and components.

Fixed Half (Stationary Side)

The fixed half of the injection mold (also named A plate) remains stationary during the molding process and is securely attached to the fixed plate of the injection molding machine.
Sprue Bushing: The sprue bushing is located at the center of the fixed half and serves as the entry point for molten plastic. It creates a channel that directs the material into the mold cavity, and its tapered design facilitates the easy removal of the sprue after the molding cycle is complete.
Locating Ring: The locating ring is positioned on the outer edge of the fixed half and ensures precise alignment between the mold and the injection molding machine. This component is crucial for maintaining consistent positioning during repeated molding cycles, which is essential for achieving high-quality parts.
Support Plate: The support plate provides structural support to the cavity plate, helping to distribute clamping force evenly across the mold. This component may also contain cooling channels that regulate the mold temperature, contributing to the overall efficiency of the molding process.
Cavity Plate: The cavity plate forms the outer surface of the molded part and contains the negative shape of the part to be produced. Typically made from high-quality materials, the cavity plate is designed for durability and precision, ensuring that the final product meets the required specifications.

Moving Half (Ejector Side)

The moving half of the injection mold (also named B plate) is attached to the movable plate of the injection molding machine and contains the ejection system, which is vital for removing the finished part from the mold.

Core Plate: The core plate is responsible for creating the inner surface of the molded part. It contains the positive shape of the part and works in conjunction with the cavity plate to form the complete geometry of the product.

Support Plate: Similar to the fixed half, the support plate in the moving half provides structural support to the core plate. It helps distribute clamping force evenly and may also include additional cooling channels to enhance temperature control during the molding process.

Ejector Plate and Pins: The ejector plate holds the ejector pins, which are essential for pushing the molded part out of the mold after it has cooled. The number and placement of these pins are strategically designed based on the part’s geometry to ensure effective ejection without damaging the finished product.

Back Plate: Located at the rear of the moving half, the back plate provides additional support and helps distribute clamping force. It often features mounting points that secure the mold to the injection molding machine, ensuring stability during operation.

Key Structural Elements of Injection Molds

Mold Base

The mold base forms the foundation of the injection mold, providing structural support and housing for other components. It typically consists of several plates that work together to create a robust framework for ensuring stability and alignment during the molding process.

Mold bases are typically made from high-strength steel to withstand the pressures and temperatures of the injection molding process. Standardized mold bases are often used for efficiency and flexibility.

Mold bases can be custom-made or standardized. They include various plates such as the clamp plate, A plate, B plate, spacer block (C plate), and rear clamp plate. Proper selection and configuration of these plates are crucial for ensuring the mold’s structural integrity and performance.

Cavity and Core

The cavity and core are critical elements that define the shape of the molded part. The cavity forms the outer surface, while the core creates the inner surface of the part. Together, they determine the final geometry and dimensions of the product.

The cavity and core are usually made from high-quality tool steel or hardened steel to ensure durability and precision.

Designing the cavity and core involves considering the plastic material properties, part geometry, dimensional tolerances, and operating requirements. Ensuring a close fit and balanced pressure distribution between the cavity and core is essential.

Gating System

The gating system directs molten plastic into the mold cavity. It includes the sprue, runners, and gates. Gates and runners are typically made from the same material as the mold base to ensure compatibility and durability. The type, number, and location of gates are critical. Common gate types include pin gates, submarine gates, and fan gates. Proper design of the gating system ensures efficient material flow, minimizes waste, and reduces defects.

Venting System

The venting system allows air and other gases to escape from the mold cavity as it fills with molten plastic. Proper venting ensures complete filling of the mold cavity, improves surface finish, reduces cycle times, preventing defects such as air traps, and burn marks.

Vents are typically machined directly into the mold steel. In complex mold designs, porous materials or special inserts may be used for more effective venting.

Designing an effective venting system requires careful consideration of vent depth, placement, and quantity. Vents are typically very shallow (about 0.025-0.040 mm deep) to prevent plastic from flowing into them. They should be placed at the last points to fill in the mold cavity, often at parting lines or ejector pins. The number and size of vents should be sufficient to allow rapid air evacuation without compromising part quality.

Cooling System

The cooling system regulates the temperature of the mold during the injection process. It typically consists of channels or passages within the mold through which coolant flows, helping to control the solidification rate of the plastic and affecting cycle time and part quality.

Cooling channels are typically made from copper or stainless steel to enhance thermal conductivity and corrosion resistance.
Designing the cooling system involves strategically placing channels to ensure uniform cooling. The layout should facilitate quick heat dissipation and maintain consistent mold temperature.

Ejection System

The ejection system removes the finished part from the mold. It includes components such as ejector pins, ejector plates, and reset mechanisms. Effective ejection is crucial for maintaining part quality and preventing damage.
Ejector components are usually made from hardened steel to withstand repeated use and high pressures.

The number and placement of ejector pins should be carefully designed to ensure smooth ejection without deforming the part. The system should also be easy to reset for the next molding cycle.

Alignment and Guiding Components

These components ensure proper alignment between the two halves of the mold during opening and closing. They include guide pins, bushings, and locating rings, which are essential for maintaining precision and preventing damage. Guide components are typically made from hardened steel or other wear-resistant materials.

Proper alignment is critical for preventing misalignment and ensuring the longevity of the mold. The design should facilitate smooth operation and minimize wear.

Support and Clamping Components

Various plates and support structures distribute the clamping force evenly across the mold, ensuring it remains securely closed during injection. These components include support plates, clamping plates, and spacer blocks.
Support and clamping components are usually made from high-strength steel to handle the high pressures involved in the molding process.

The design of these components should ensure an even distribution of clamping force to prevent deformation and ensure consistent part quality. Proper support is also essential for maintaining mold integrity over long production runs.

Types of Injection Mold Structures

Two-Plate Injection Molds

Two-plate injection molds are the simplest type of injection mold, consisting of two main halves: the fixed half and the moving half. The mold opens along a single parting line, and the part is ejected from the moving half. These molds are commonly used for producing simple parts without complex geometries or undercuts.

Advantages of Two-plate Molds: Two-plate molds are cost-effective and straightforward to design and manufacture. They are ideal for high-volume production of simple parts and offer quick cycle times due to their uncomplicated structure.

Limitations of two-plate molds: These molds are not suitable for parts with complex geometries or those requiring multiple gates or advanced cooling. The single parting line can also limit the design flexibility.

Three-Plate Injection Molds

Three-plate injection molds have an additional plate, creating two parting lines. This design allows for more complex gating systems, such as placing gates directly on the part rather than on the runner. Three-plate molds are often used for parts that require multiple gates or have intricate designs.

Benefits of three-plate molds: Three-plate molds offer greater design flexibility and can produce parts with complex geometries and multiple gates. This design can improve the quality of the parts by reducing weld lines and ensuring even filling.

Limitations of three-plate molds: These molds are more complex and expensive to manufacture and maintain. The additional plate increases the mold’s size and weight, which can complicate handling and setup.

Stack Injection Molds

Stack injection molds consist of multiple mold layers (or stacks) that can produce multiple parts per cycle. Each stack operates independently but within the same mold frame, effectively doubling or tripling the output without increasing the footprint of the mold.

Benefits of stack molds: Stack molds significantly increase productivity by allowing multiple parts to be molded simultaneously. They are ideal for high-volume production runs and can reduce overall production costs by maximizing the use of the injection molding machine.

Limitations of stack molds: Stack molds are complex and expensive to design and manufacture. They require precise alignment and robust machinery to handle the increased clamping force and ensure consistent quality across all cavities.

Unscrewing Injection Molds

Unscrewing molds are designed for producing threaded parts. These molds include a mechanical or hydraulic unscrewing mechanism that rotates the core to release the threaded part from the mold.

Benefits of unscrewing molds: Unscrewing molds is essential for parts with internal or external threads, ensuring that the threads are not damaged during ejection. They provide a reliable way to produce high-quality threaded parts with consistent precision.

Limitations of unscrewing molds: These molds are more complex and costly due to the additional mechanical or hydraulic components required for the unscrewing mechanism. The cycle time may also be longer compared to standard molds due to the unscrewing process.

Advanced Injection Mold Components and Design

Some advanced injection mold components and designs can help to produce special and complex molded parts.

Slides and Lifters for Complex Geometries and Undercuts

Slides and lifters are essential components in injection molds used to facilitate the molding of parts with complex geometries and undercuts that cannot be ejected in a straight line.

Slides: Slides are typically driven by mechanical or hydraulic systems. Mechanical slides use cam pins to move horizontally, retracting as the mold opens and returning to their original position as the mold closes. Hydraulic slides, on the other hand, can be activated at any time during the injection cycle, offering greater flexibility for complex applications. They are used to form features like side holes and undercuts, allowing the molded part to be released smoothly.

Lifters: Lifters move at an angle during mold opening or ejection, enabling the release of undercuts. They are either integral (a single body and forming portion) or non-integral (composed of separate body and forming components). Integral lifters are simpler and more durable, making them suitable for smaller parts, while non-integral lifters are used for broader applications.

Conformal Cooling for Improve Cycle Time and Part Quality

Conformal cooling involves the use of cooling channels that closely follow the contour of the mold cavity. This advanced cooling technique improves heat transfer efficiency, leading to more uniform cooling of the molded part.
By improving the efficiency of heat removal, conformal cooling significantly reduces the cooling phase of the injection molding cycle, thereby increasing overall productivity. Uniform cooling minimizes internal stresses, warpage, and shrinkage, resulting in parts with better dimensional accuracy and surface finish.


The structure of injection mold is a critical factor in determining the quality, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of the injection molding process. Throughout this post, we’ve explored the various components and features that make up a modern injection mold, from basic elements to advanced features. Understanding these various aspects of mold structure is essential for anyone involved in injection molding. A well-designed mold structure not only ensures the production of high-quality parts but also contributes to increased productivity, reduced waste, and improved overall efficiency of the manufacturing process.

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